“I have been using Diamond K’s gypsum product for the last 8-10 years in customers’ almond orchards. One customer has numerous Diamond K injection applicators on trailers that we can put 2 tons of gypsum in and inject into buried drip lines in almond orchards. We usually apply 700-800 lbs/ac annually. We have noticed better water penetration, calcium uptake in trees, and overall increased health of orchard.”
“Additionally, we have used their potassium product injected into the buried drip lines at 150-300 lbs/ac annually. With this application, we have increased and/or maintained strong potassium levels in the orchard. Potassium nutrition is one of the keys to strong almond production and the health of the tree.”
“Together with the gypsum and potassium applications, we have greatly improved the almond orchard’s longevity and strong yields for the coming years.”
Mike Pettigrew
Wilbur Ellis